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What is the Attorney General Mississippi?
The Mississippi Attorney General is a legal and administrative position undertaken by the appointed individual serving as the primary attorney – or Mississippi lawyers – on behalf of the State of Mississippi. While the Attorney General Mississippi undertakes a vast array of duties and responsibilities, amongst the foremost of their responsibilities is to serve the collective citizenship of the State of Mississippi through legislative advocacy and the guardianship of legal statutes; the various divisions of the Attorney General Mississippi include the following:
Consumer Protection Division is responsible for the regulation and oversight of the Vulnerable Adults Unit, Consumer Advocacy Division, and the Consumer Protections Bureau
The Criminal Division is responsible for the regulation and oversight of the Crime Prevention and Victim's Services Division, Public Integrity Division, Insurance Fraud Unit, Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement Unit, and the Medicaid Fraud Division
The Administrative Division is responsible for the regulation and oversight of the Opinions Division and the Government Accountability Bureau
The Attorney General Mississippi
The Mississippi Attorney General is Democrat Jim Hood, who was elected in 2004; the Constitution of the State of Mississippi mandates that a single term of the Attorney General Mississippi is not to exceed 4 years’ time:
Jim Hood was reelected in 2007 for a second term; Jim Hood’s second term ends in 2012
Jim Hood received his legal degree from the Law School at the University of Mississippi
The Office of the Attorney General Mississippi
The Office of the Attorney General of the State of Mississippi is located in the State Capitol Building in Jackson, Mississippi; an additional regional location exists in Biloxi, Mississippi.
The History of the Mississippi Attorney General
The appointment of the Attorney General Mississippi takes place through a statewide election; the first Mississippi Attorney General was Lyman Harding, who served from 1818 to 1820
The Legal Process and Procedure of the Attorney General Mississippi
Administrative Law and the Mississippi Attorney General
Administrative Law is the legal field associated with events and circumstances in which Federal and State Governments of the United States interact with their respective citizens, including the administration of government programs, the creation of agencies, the establishment of a legal, regulatory standard; as a result, the Mississippi Attorney General is an example of a State officer responsible for the protection and preservation of the rights and liberties afforded to the citizens of the State of Mississippi:
In addition to serving as the primary prosecuting attorney on behalf of the State of Mississippi, the Attorney General Mississippi also serves as the chief advocate of legislature and statutory regulation existing within the State of Mississippi
Common Law and the Mississippi Attorney General
The Mississippi Attorney General is identified as an officer within the legal realm of Common Law, which is the legal field and ideology considered to rely on past legal statutes, sentencing, and judicial review to serve as guidelines for sentencing; both the reference and respect of past judicial decisions as a means of determination for current legal hearings is amongst the primary ideologies inherent within Common Law:
In many cases, the Attorney General Mississippi will employ the legal ideology of ‘Stare Decisis’ with regard to appellate hearings requested within the State of Mississippi; Stare Decisis facilitates a hierarchy with regard to legal venue, within which the process of appeals is determined for potential hearings
Upon the ruling set forth by a court classified as a ‘lower’, an appeal may be subject to judicial review by a court ‘classified as ‘higher’ only in the event that the ‘higher court’ has cited fault within the initial sentencing; however, case decisions, rulings, and Mississippi Attorney General Mississippi judicial review will be cited as primary sources with regard to sentencing
Contacting the Mississippi Attorney General
The Office of the Mississippi Attorney General may be contacted through the following means:
Addresses for the Office of the Mississippi Attorney General
Physical Address for the Office of the Mississippi Attorney General
Walter Sillers Building
550 High Street
Suite 1200
Jackson, Mississippi
Mailing Address for the Office of the Mississippi Attorney General
P.O. Box 220
Jackson, Mississippi
Telephone Number for the Office of the Attorney General Mississippi
The telephone number for General Information is (601) 359-3680; however the following supplementary telephone numbers – with regard to specific legal issues and locations – are as follows:
Consumer Protection Division - Biloxi Location: (228) 386-4400
Crime Prevention and Victim's Services Division: (601) 359-6766
Opinions Division: (601) 359-3838
Public Integrity Division: (601) 359-4258
Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement Unit: (601) 359-4159
Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement Unit: (601) 359-4250
Insurance Fraud Unit: (601) 359-4250
Vulnerable Adults Unit: (601) 359-4158
Medicaid Fraud Division: (601) 359-4220
NEXT: Missouri Attorney General